Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Year's Resolution #1: Blog More

Well, I’m hoping that my last post about the joys of being a new parent was a plausible excuse for my lack of blogging recently.  The last several weeks have been a whirlwind including buying a new home, taking a job teaching planting design at George Washington University at night, and tending to my little one.  But thanks to super blogger Susan Harris for nudging me back onto the laptop.  Her recent article in Garden Rant, one of my favorite garden blogs, was great motivation for me to jump back into blogging.  Thanks, Susan.
So if there’s anyone still out there reading this, look out this week for a new articles on “Garden Resolutions for 2011” and “Trends in the Landscape for 2011.”  Wishing you all a joyous and bountiful 2011!


  1. This is good. Your blog is terrific. I'll look forward to your posts.

  2. Thomas
    Glad you're back!
    Happy New Year

  3. Found out about your blog on Garden Rant, a favorite. Blog on, Thomas!

  4. I found your blog through Garden Rant and am pleased that your blogging again. I really enjoy your site.

  5. Welcome back, Thomas. Many of us have missed your voice, but I can see how the wonders of watching a new baby grow and develop might take your attention away from blogging! :-) -Jean

  6. Excellent. You're on my list. I look forward to reading again!

  7. Thomas, I'm also glad you are writing again. I very much enjoy your style and the topics you write on. Thanks!
