Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Horticulture Magazine Names Grounded Design "Best Gardening Blog"

Horticulture Magazine named grounded design “Best Gardening Blog” for 2011.  I’m delighted and humbled by the recognition from such a great magazine.  The article highlighted the recent series on native plant myths, as well as other postings for 2011.  Many thanks to the magazine for the recognition, and mostly, thanks to all of you who keep coming back to read my ramblings.  Happy gardening!


  1. Congratulations. You deserve it. It only took one post to hook me. We may have to talk about tree circles though.

  2. You have that rare combination of well developed ideas and the ability to express them in photos and word. Truely you deserve the title.

  3. Congratulations, Thomas! This is well-deserved recognition. -Jean

  4. Hi Thomas,
    Congratulations! You have a wonderful garden blog. I stumbled across the Horticulture article and now you're on my radar. There seem to be circles of garden blogs that stay regional and seldom stray. I'm part of a southern group/ Texas group of blogs but happy to read blogs from other areas of the country. I like your take on natives. I'm a schoolteacher, so won't get time to read in detail your ideas until the summer. In the meantime, I'm putting you on my favorites list for quick reference.
    Oh and you are dead on correct about the chickens and such in backyards. I'm getting ready to do just that. And now some advice from a gardener of 40+ years.....Take care and don't PRESSURE yourself. Relax and rest and enjoy your family as well. Take care and Happy Gardening.

  5. Congratulations. I love your blog. To mis-quote one of your comments at the right "Everytime I read a post I want to shout 'Darn! Wish I'd said that!'"

    Keep it up!

  6. YES! Congrats to you! I love your site.

  7. I CONCUR!!!!!!
    Congratulations Thomas for the recognition!
    That is exactly what I've been saying!
    Keep up the good work! Maybe someone will send you some Free Plants for the new yard!!!
    LOL! :))

  8. Congratulations. A well deserved honor.

  9. Wow, congratulations, Ive heard many good things about your blog, just came across you and cant wait to look around!

  10. Sorry just realized it was from almost 5 years ago? Do you do any work on it anymore?
