Friday, April 15, 2011

Grounded Design is One Year Old

Grounded Design is celebrating its one year anniversary this month.  Aren't blog years like dog years?  One blog year feels like at least seven human years.  Of course, so many of my favorite bloggers have been doing great posts for multiple years, like Susan Harris whose been blogging since 2005.  Now that's inspiring (I'm a bit of a late adopter myself . . . oooh, iPods?!).

I had meager expectations when starting this blog.  I thought I'd give my wife a break from my rants about gardens, landscapes, and planting and direct these ramblings into a blog site.  I expected only my parents and perhaps a few other friends I guilted into signing up for emails to read this.  I still remember the joy of getting my very first comment on the blog (even if it was an angry complaint from a company in the UK named Grounded Design).

The most rewarding part about blogging is you.  I still can't believe anyone reads this, and I never expected such thoughtful, creative, and diverse group of readers.  All I can say is thank you.  Thank you for reading, for commenting, and for all your great work in your own blogs.  You make this worthwhile and a joy.


  1. Happy Anniversary. Keep up the good work. Your blog is always a compelling read.

  2. Congratulations! I love your blog. Blogs are a little like gardens. It takes awhile before they really start to take root and look like something. You've done a great job getting yours established! Now we all want to stop by every day for a visit!

  3. Happy anniversary! I just found this blog a week ago and have already added it to my RSS feeds. I look forward to back reading some of your posts and, of course, reading your future ones as well.

  4. I am a faithful reader of your blog.
    Happy anniversary.

  5. Happy blogaversary! You have a gift for packing profound ideas in a readable format - which in turn inspires those comments you and your readers enjoy.

    Fell over a snooty blog today who doesn't accept comments. And there it sits, like an abandoned garden, a little dead.

  6. Happy Anniversary!
    The arrival of your blog raised the bar for all garden bloggers.
    Thanks for your efforts, especially as you juggle fatherhood and a new home.

  7. I love stopping by here. You're in my top 15 I think. Top 10 if you bribe me.

  8. Happy Blogiversary, Thomas! I'm really enjoying reading the things you share here.

  9. Congrats! I love reading because you're one of those planty LAs. ;c)

  10. Thomas, I just want to know how you got so good at blogging so damn FAST. It's great to have your thoughts added to our increasingly interesting world.
    And thanks for the plug and the link love - you caught on to the local currency right away - and you're invited to come see my garden soon - I'll email you.

  11. Happy 'birthday', Thomas

    a planty LA (thank you for that hortus2)fan

  12. Many happy returns. Love reading your posts and learning and thinking forthwith.

    Best wishes for the coming year.

  13. How did I not know about your incredibly thoughtful and smart garden blog before now, Thomas? A reader left a link today to one of your posts, and I just spent an hour trolling through several months of your posts, enjoying each one. I confess myself particularly delinquent in not having followed up to see who the upcoming guest bloggers at Garden Designers Roundtable are, since I'm one of them (slapping forehead). Anyway, I'll now be regularly following your blog.
