Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Thomas Rainer to Speak at LAHR Symposium

I'm pumped about attending this year's annual LAHR Symposium hosted by the U.S. National Arboretum.  I will be speaking on "Contemporary Planting Design Using Native Plants."  It is a part rant and part how-to speech that looks at how to artfully abstract native plant communities into bold, modern garden spaces.

This year's theme for the symposium is described as "Inspiring New Directions."  Here is the official blurb:

The 26th annual Lahr Symposium explores the work of landscape architects, authors, and gardeners who were inspired by native plants to change their career paths to pursue unique callings. From journalist turned naturalist to researcher turned native fruit aficionado, these individuals explain how native plants have influenced their work. Learn how native plants can foster creativity in the garden and inspire new insights into nature and landscape design.

For complete program details, including a map and directions, see the Lahr Symposium brochure .  Registration fee includes lunch and early access to the Native Plant Sale. Fee: $89 ($71 FONA) Registration required.

Note: This year the symposium will be held at the Beltsville Area Research Center at 10300 Baltimore Blvd, Beltsville, MD.


  1. Your rant part might be mellow in contrast to what I tend to say, but your speech part sounds worth the time, alone. Wish I was nearer and not driving to a garden tour in Phoenix for the next day... The internet may bring more closer, but only so much, unfortunately.

  2. Brilliant - and I wish I wasn't in UK. Now, (on bended knee..) any possibility that it could be an article in thinkingardens???

    Worth a shot: would be brilliant to have you.


  3. this is excellent...too bad it is so far away...glad to see more about native plants in the discussions on design and landscaping...

  4. David,

    I'd like to hear your rant!

  5. Anne,

    I will email you about your request. I'd be very interested.

  6. Hi Thomas - I wish I could hear you speak about this! Our lead product designer is hugely passionate about native plants, and has gotten me interested. I do hope you write an article for Anne Wareham and thinkingardens!!!

  7. Thomas, So glad i was able to see you today.
    This will sound bad - and i'm warning you i often stick my foot (whole leg) in my mouth -so i'm hoping not to do that too badly here- but since i am a bit of a night owl (note the time i'm posting this),getting up this morning to get all the way up to Beltsville/College Park by 8:30 was a chore. Also, since i live in the 'country' -surrounded by the Amish- in St. Mary's county, a trip to the beltway is a major deal for me. Anyhow, i will let you know that after lunch -even though all the speakers were great(!) i found myself a little dozy (during the breakout session) and i was thinging of cutting the last talk -yours- and heading back to the country early (nap, perhaps?) but something in the blurb about your talk had peaked my interest when i was wider awake - so i decided to stay.
    FOR ME (wish i could make the FOR ME bigger and in a red font), you were the best of the day. Your 'pictures' were wonderful!!! And the points you made were spot on. i loved your vibe and your passion. i also loved some of the special nuggets i was able to jot down; "...translate the beauty of nature, don't try to recreate it...", "...patterns, forms, and textures that are artfully highlighted...", "...abstraction introduces the human into the design...", "...turn up the volume..." (pretty good for writing in the dark!).

    Your rant was a wonderful breathe of fresh air, and i hope to see you speak again somewhere!

    ---linda :)

    ps... Do you have a speaking schedule? :)
