Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Mingle or Clump?! The debate is moving to ThinkingGardens!

The question of how we compose ornamental plants in beds—particularly whether species are mixed together or in solid masses—is now moving to the excellent website ThinkingGardens. Last month I wrote a post in response to much of Noel Kingsbury’s writing where he has posited “intermingling” (mixed species planting) as part of a newer ecological aesthetic.  My post questioned whether massing can’t be a part of this aesthetic as well.  

A condensed version of my argument is now on ThinkingGardens.  Later this week, Noel Kingsbury himself will respond. So check out ThinkingGardens and the many great minds who are commenting on this debate about the future of naturalistic planting design.


  1. If you don't stay on top of them, the plants will mingle or clump as suits them best. Let them work it out.

    Deirdre in Seattle

  2. Noel has responded! Clump or Mingle: here - http://thinkingardens.co.uk/articles/clump-or-mingle-by-noel-kingsbury/
